# Change Log ### Fix ## [2.11.8] - 2021-02-08 - fix text and textarea type order product Option response data ### Fix ## [2.11.7] - 2020-11-30 - fix removing related products ## [2.11.6] - 2020-11-05 ### Fix - Added custom_field to the get orders with details API call ## [2.11.5] - 2020-08-21 ### Fix - Change secret key validation ## [2.11.4] - 2020-08-18 ### Added - Added tax_class_id to the order details response ## [2.11.3] - 2020-06-26 ### Added - Added Hungarian VAT number support ## [2.11.2] - 2020-05-07 ### Fix - fixing XSS security issue ## [2.11.1] - 2020-04-28 ### Fix - Fix category description update - Fix update of related products ## [2.11.0] - 2020-01-31 ### Added - Added Logging feature to the API ## [2.10.1] - 2019-11-19 ### Fix - Fix product attribute query for multilingual sites ## [2.10.0] - 2019-11-11 ### Added - Added store statistic service ## [2.9.5] - 2019-07-25 ### Changed - Changed the response of the payment method and shipping method services ## [2.9.4] - 2019-07-16 ### Added - Added API to manage filters and filter groups ## [2.9.3] - 2019-07-04 ### Added - Added API to get / update / delete product by model ## [2.9.2] - 2019-06-12 ### Fix - Fix tax calculation in the create Order service ## [2.9.1] - 2019-05-08 ### Added - Added missing payment_custom_field and shipping_custom_field to the Order details ## [2.9.0] - 2019-04-16 ### Added - Added API request logger feature ## [2.8.8] - 2019-03-20 ### Added - Added product date_modified sort option ## [2.8.7] - 2018-10-15 ### Added - Added shipping point support to the order details service ## [2.8.6] - 2018-06-26 ### Fix - Fixing search rewrite rules - Fixing search product by sku response ## [2.8.5] - 2018-06-18 ### Fix shipping total in the order detail response ## [2.8.4] - 2018-06-12 ### Fix image upload function (validation) ## [2.8.3] - 2018-05-20 ### Added - Added external image support for category and manufacturer specific services ## [2.8.2] - 2018-05-14 ### Added - Added bulk product delete service ### Fix - Fix bulk product services Id validation - Fix parameter validation - Added customer group filter to the customers list API ## [2.8.1] - 2018-05-11 ### Fix - Fix customer custom field issues - Change error handling of bulk product services ## [2.8.0] - 2018-05-04 ### Added - Added missing option type to the option specific responses - Add cioptionsku extension support - Added external images for product specific services ## [2.7.3] - 2018-04-21 ### Fix - changing option value name validation - Small bugfixes ## [2.7.2] - 2018-03-26 ### Fix - Added missing store field to the product specific responses ## [2.7.1] - 2018-03-21 ### Fix - Fix image upload error - Fix account and address custom fields - Added missing category fields to the response - Added extended list category service ## [2.7.0] - 2018-03-18 ### Added - Added pagination and item count to the orders, products, manufacturers, customers list response header ## [2.6.1] - 2018-03-06 ### Fix - Fix missing option_value in create product service ## [2.6.0] - 2018-02-10 ### Added - Added tracking number update service ## [2.5.1] - 2018-02-08 ### Fix - Param validation fix in the restcontroller.php ## [2.5.0] - 2018-01-26 ### Added - Added filters to load orders and helper services ## [2.4.2] - 2018-01-08 ### Added - Added store filter to load customers and load orders services ## [2.4.1] - 2017-12-01 ### Fix - Update search product rewrite rule ## [2.4.0] - 2017-10-11 ### Added - Added invoice number management services ## [2.3.2] - 2017-10-05 ### Fix - Fix order status filter ### Changed - Changed response header setter - Changed the add additional images to product service url, we added a sort order parameter ## [2.3.1] - 2017-09-22 ### Fix - Fix category update ## [2.3.0] - 2017-08-12 ### Added - Added automatic .htaccess rewrite rule update ## [2.2.0] - 2017-08-04 ### Added - Added Generate API Secret key button ### Fix - Fixed OPTIONS header not allowed response - Fixed admin design ## [2.1.1] - 2017-08-02 ### Fix - Fix find product by sku rewrite rule - Fix update product quantity by sku service ## [2.1.0] - 2017-07-18 ### Added - Added new product option price update service ## [2.0.9] - 2017-07-16 ### Fix - Fix GET UTC offset service ## [2.0.8] - 2017-07-14 ### Fix - Fix getProductsByIds model function ## [2.0.7] - 2017-07-05 ### Fix - Fix create order service ## [2.0.6] - 2017-06-30 ### Added - Added missing order details pagination rewrite rule ## [2.0.5] - 2017-06-17 ### Added - Added store filter header to product and category services ## [2.0.4] - 2017-06-07 ### Fixed - Order details returns rounded price values ## [2.0.3] - 2017-05-31 ### Fixed - Order price details return in the order currency ## [2.0.2] - 2017-05-30 ### Fixed - Fixed product minimum value ## [2.0.1] - 2017-05-25 ### Fixed - Fixed error message format - Fixed missing stock_status_id in product response ## [2.0.0] - 2017-05-09 ### [BC BREAK] Changed - changed almost all service response, request objects and API urls are the same - New response statuses: 200 Success. Request was handled correctly. 401 Unauthorized. Wrong or missed credentials. 400 Bad format. Incorrect parameter or query string. 403 Forbidden. A user has insufficient rights to perform an action. 404 Requested Entity not found. - If you want to update your old REST API version, please test your app with the new version before you use it on production site ### Added - Added new delete services - Added more server side validations ## [1.13.0] - 2017-05-03 ### Added - Added product filters and filter groups - Added support for opencart ## [1.12.0] - 2017-04-18 ### Added - added original images to the product info response ## [1.11.1] - 2017-04-08 ### Fixed - Fixed error in the IP validation function ## [1.11.0] - 2017-03-20 ### Added - added latest products with details services ## [1.10.0] - 2017-03-18 ### Added - added demo REST API clients ### [BC BREAK] Changed - changed category service response, it returns difference response for multilingual sites ## [1.9.0] - 2017-03-16 ### Added - added IP validation, you can add allowed list of IPs - added support to upload multiple product images in a request ### Fixed - Fixed remove product additional images - Fixed category edit service ## [1.8.10] - 2017-02-27 ### Fixed - Fixed manufacturer id in the product info function ## [1.8.9] - 2017-02-26 ### Added - added REST API OCMOD: enable API in maintenance mode - added Admin form field validation ## [1.8.8] - 2017-02-23 ### Added - added tax class and tax rules to the helper response ### Fixed - Fixed language and currency in the helper response ## [1.8.7] - 2017-02-06 ### Added - set client encoding to utf-8 in the response ### Fixed - Fixed language settings ## [1.8.6] - 2016-12-10 ### Fixed - Fixed cannot redeclare TAX class error ## [1.8.5] - 2016-12-04 ### Added - Added tooltips to extension admin page ## [1.8.4] - 2016-11-26 ### Fixed - Fixed update additional image ## [1.8.3] - 2016-10-26 ### Fixed - Fixed Language problems ## [1.8.2] - 2016-10-09 ### Fixed - fixed response content type in restadmincontroller.php - fixed coupon list service ## [1.8.1] - 2016-09-20 ### Fixed - Fixed update category service ## [1.8.0] - 2016-09-13 ### Added - Added filter parameters to product list service For example: manufacturer, date_added, date_modified, etc ## [1.7.0] - 2016-08-06 ### Added - Added support for Opencart 2.3 ## [1.6.6] - 2016-07-18 ### Fixed - Fixed update product set stock status to NULL ## [1.6.5] - 2016-07-04 ### Fixed - Fixed addOrderV2 service tax calculation ## [1.6.4] - 2016-06-16 ### Fixed - Fixed Update inactive product fix ## [1.6.3] - 2016-04-20 ### Fixed - Fixed update product set shipping to false - Removed unique model validation ## [1.6.2] - 2016-04-05 ### Fixed - Removed unique model validation ## [1.6.1] - 2016-03-31 ### Fixed - Fixed missing option sku error ## [1.6.0] - 2016-03-13 ### Added - UPDATED TO opencart 2.2 - Added new product create service, you can send manufacturers, and categories, and they will be created ## [1.5.0] - 2016-02-05 ### Added - Added load product by sku service ## [1.4.2] - 2016-01-21 ### Fixed - Fixed product option with quantity = 0 ## [1.4.1] - 2016-01-05 ### Fixed - Option value bugfixes ## [1.4.0] - 2016-01-04 ### Added - Added extended information to order details response ## [1.3.0] - 2015-12-23 ### Added - Added support for related products - Added product ids to bulk insert response - Added validation to product validation function - Added get customer by email address service - Added get latest product ID service - Added get list of sales orders greater than certain order ID service ### Fixed - Fixed search with space - Fixed product update, and insert (Model and keyword validation) - Fixed missing validateDate function in 1.5.x version ## [1.2.2] - 2015-12-02 ### Fixed - Fixed serialization problem for 2.1 versions ## [1.2.1] - 2015-11-21 ### Fixed - Fixed keyword errors, added product tags save ## [1.2.0] - 2015-11-20 ### Added - Added keyword to product - Added user reward - Added transaction points service - Added store management services - Added voucher management services - Added product tags save ### Fixed - Fixed customer services in 1.5 version ## [1.1.0] - 2015-11-01 ### Added - Added support for Opencart 2.1 - Added featured product services ## [1.0.3] - 2015-07-06 ### Fixed - Fixed response format of product description ## [1.0.2] - 2015-06-22 ### Fixed - Fixed stores list response ## [1.0.1] - 2015-06-04 ### Fixed - Fixed add product option bug (checkbox, radio) ## [1.0.0] - 2015-05-31 ### Added - Added user filter (date_added) - Added license request ## [0.3.0] - 2015-02-23 ### Added - Added support for product discounts and specials ## [0.2.0] - 2015-02-19 ### Added - Added formated and non formated price values to responses ## [0.1.0] - 2015-02-15 ### Added - Initial release